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Image by Jed Owen


Ancient Indian literatures revere Cow as a gift of the Gods to the Human race. Veda, Purana, Upanishat and contemporary literatures reveal multidimensional use of cow products in rituals and as food and medicine. These literatures tell people regarding the necessity of protection of sacred cows. From time immemorial people were using Panchagavya.

The usage of cow products and the research on the effects of these products on humans reveal many benefits and this knowledge was transferred from generation to generation and ultimately flourished by the time of Ayurvedic Samhita period.

Usage of cow products to detoxify and potentiate the effect of Rasaushadha (Mercurial/Metallic Ayurvedic Medicines) came into existence during the period of Metallic Age.

Many researches are being undertaken to prove the uniqueness of cow products in general and Indian cow in particular in comparison to other bovine animal breeds.

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