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Respiratory system is the bridge between the conscious mind and the sub-conscious mind, voluntary and the involuntary functions, or in general the body and mind.

The respiratory system is both voluntary as well as involuntary. Using the voluntary control we can change the involuntary functions.


  • Training for full utilization of all lobes of the lungs.

  • Normalize the breathing rate.

  • Make the breathing uniform, continuous and rhythmatic.

  • Ability to increase and decrease the breathing rate.

  • Slow down exhalation, longer than inhalation.

  • Developing awareness of breathing and its movement through the different parts of body.


Hereditary tendencies and family influences coupled with home atmosphere play a vital role in the personality development of all of us, of particular value are the formative years of childhood days. Deficiencies and subnormal tendencies deep within manifest in pranic imbalances featured by wrong breathing rhythms, speeds, and haphazardness, manifesting as asthma.

Corrections of breathing practices is one of the most effective ways by which many of these problems in children as well as in grown ups can be solved. Good breathing habits harness energies for systematic development of psyche and physique.

PRANA means VITAL FORCE, YAMA means "TO GAIN CONTROL". Pranayama is a means to elevate “PRANA SHAKTHI”. Pranayama is the science of CLEANSING, BALANCING, AND GAINING CONTROL OVER THE UNIVERSAL LIFE FORCE, “prana” in the human system.

Prana is the basic life principle which acts as a bridge between mind and matter. In prashnopanishad, prana is defined as that basic entity from which the entire universe is made. Matter is the grossest manifestation whereas mind is the subtle one and higher states of consciousness are the subtler manifestations of Prana.

Prashnopanishad gives detailed description about Varishta Prana and Pancha Pranas. It is the varishta prana the eldest and the first born of Atman, that divides itself into five facets Prana, Apana, Samana, Vyana, and Udana, governs different functions of the body.

Gaining control over any one of the five facets of prana or more or all of them is pranayama. Pranayama is the science of harnessing the breath for gaining control over the prana and thereby on the mind. Pranayama forms the fourth limb of Patanjali’s eight limbed ashtanga yoga.

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