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  1. Sit comfortably on a chair or sit on the floor on a mat comfortably (choose any position whichever is comfortable to you).

  2. Be comfortable.

  3. Keep your back straight as much as possible (adopt any comfortable posture).

  4. Exhale (breathe out) completely, whatever air is there in the lungs. Then inhale (breathe in) throughout both nostrils deeply (as much as you are comfortable).

  5. Be natural through this process.

  6. Do not strain.

  7. Exhale fully.

  8. Inhale deeply, fully, and then exhale completely.

  9. Repeat the process of inhaling deeply, fully, and exhaling completely.

  10.  Practice deep breathing for 3 to 5 minutes.



As you inhale air deeply, the air gushes through the nostrils, wind pipe and fills the lungs completely. When the lungs are full with air, the blood in the alveoli of the lungs absorbs this fresh air which is full of oxygen and thereby becomes rich in oxygen. This richly oxygenated blood then circulates in every part of the body rejuvenating every cell, just like watering the plants. Every cell begins to vibrate with energy and naturally gets rejuvenated. The body becomes more relaxed, energetic and lively. Many ailments of the body originate from lack of proper supply of oxygen. These ailments gradually disappear with the supply of this life energy called PRANIC ENERGY, which is called as oxygen, and therefore health improves in general. Similarly, when the blood rich with oxygen is supplied to the brain, every cell of the brain gets activated. Therefore, functioning of the brain improves just as the wilted leaves blooms when the roots are watered. The depression of mind which is usually caused by lack of supply of oxygen to the brain disappears, and the mind becomes fresh and relaxed, and regains lost enthusiasm.

Deep breathing is a great remedy for beating depression, dullness and boredom. Whenever, you feel depressed, dull or bored, immediately adopt to deep breathing, you will immediately see the change because of the pumping of a lot of life energy. Remember, breathing is like watering a wilting plant which blooms after that.

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